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Monday, January 2, 2012

Goin' back to the pura vida


I'm leaving for the beautiful (and warm!) Costa Rica once again! I've promised a blog to a few people so I'm going to do my best to keep it up.

I leave a week from today and have not a single thing in order. I thought I'd better get a move on so naturally I'm doing the one thing I don't have to move a muscle in order to do. Thank goodness I have my mother. She is a Godsend when it comes to packing and planning and tolerating me while I’m basically a monster with no attention span.

The plan for those who don’t know I’m headed to Ciudad Quesada (aka San Carlos) to work at the Rural Methodist Center. A couple named Mary and Marion Woods run the camp and do great things through it. Here’s the website that can give a much more thorough description than I can.

I’ll be there for most likely 4-5 months working as an intern doing office work and coordinating with the teams that come to the camp from all over the U.S., including my mom and a group from East Heights over my birthday!

I’m very excited and very nervous because I have no idea what I truly will be doing or how well I’ll do it but I have total faith that it will all pan out to be an amazing experience.

Wish me luck and stay tuned (pictures to come!)


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