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Friday, January 13, 2012

día cuatro



Today was nearly identical to yesterday minus the trip into town. The only thing really worth writing about is that we finally made a semi-costa rican dish. Not one that either of us have actually had down here, or heard of, but still. We made rice (a feat in and of itself!) with garlic and onion and seasoning in it and the poached chicken in juice from onions and peppers (a green pepper we simply prayed was not hot… and it was not) with the veggies in the pot. We served it with Costa Rican salsa and put corn in the rice… I took the above pic about ¾ of the way thru eating because I was so wrapped up in tasting it and then loving it. For those of you who know how I am about food pics, this was a big deal. We even have leftovers, which means great news for lunch time tomorrow! All the ladies that work at the camp eat at the same time we do and always have tupperware of Costa Rican dishes they bring from home. We’ll feel more appropriate except for the fact that our leftovers are in plastic baggies and the fact that they will all probably be wondering, “what in the world are those girls eating”. I’ll give a full report tomorrow of the whole ordeal. How exciting for all of you… yikes.

Well that’s all.

Until something exciting happens….


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