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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Día tres

Spaghetti Dinner watching The Bachelor...
view of Ciudad Quesada from the open air bakery where we had a snack
Mary giving Mani some love
Oranges and other fruit (?) picked from the grounds. We made fresh OJ from it




So today is day three? Feels like day 5 and day 1 at the same time… We are still getting into the groove of things and I feel as though things will not actually fall into place until a team arrives. For those of you who don’t know the process down here, we are a camp that hosts volunteers from the states in groups from 5-100, give or take. When there is a team, we eat with them starting with breakfast at 7 then our day revolves around their schedule , whatever that may be, but there is always some place to be and something to be done. We have dinner with them as well at a set time etc… Our first team doesn’t come until the 18th (my mom and the group from my church!) So until then we are flying by the seat of our pants.

We got up today and made a fine meal of cereal and toast. We both eat cereal dry! No one in my life besides my brother has ever had that in common with me before and I like it. And we don’t have to buy milk, which comes in a box here. We went to the office to do some translating and organizing of intense amount of donated children’s workbook pages that can be used for Sunday school and the like. We got quite a bit done but it is difficult to concentrate because the internet thrives in the office and it was really the first opportunity to make the rounds through cyber space. So after some blog posting, facebooking and skyping my mom, we managed to make a dent. Had tuna sandwiches and chips for lunch (how unfortunately American) then went back to town to get my phone. It was ready, cost less than I thought it would, and works like a charm. I have a crazy Costa Rican phone number but I’m pretty sure it costs a bit to use it to call the states. But I do have an app through which I can text for free. So if you want that number email me or facebook me and I’ll text you from it, which Is much easier because I’m not even sure what the number is… but it is confirmed to work just fine!

We hung out in town a bit after getting the phone while waiting for the bus. Had a coca light a diet coke equivalent but with less fake stuff? Kinda like coke zero I’m assuming? It tastes alright but most importantly quenches my Diet Dr. Pepper cravings enough to the point where I’m not a terrible person to be around. We split some cheese filled pastry…. It was good. And greasy. And completely erased all the walking around we did.

Went to the grocery store near the bus terminal to grab a few more things and headed back. We returned to our translating until around 6:30. Made spaghetti and watched the bachelor on some illegal website. I promise we’ll become more Costa Rican eventually… rice is so cheap it’s bound to happen. We’re not refusing, just lazy. Boiling pasta is a lot easier than basically anything (except sandwiches but we already had those for lunch…) I guess we did put costa rican cheese on top of our spaghetti. That counts. Well the knot in my shoulder that haunted me through my entire Spanish essay writing career in college seems to be returning after all the typing I did today. Not a happy camper. I’ll go rest it and play fruit ninja now.

Hasta luego!


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