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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sloths and Tucans and Bees, Oh my!

So i decided to wait until Tuesday to write so that my terrible Monday attitude didn't come through to all of you... or the few of you, whichever. 
This weekend was quite eventful and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Friday we didn't do much got out of school and walked around a bit, I think, I can't even remember. I stayed in that night and early Saturday morning a few of us went into the center of San Jose to explore. 
We took a bus there from the Outlet Mall, which has become our group meeting place. How American. Anyways, we took the bus to San Jose and got out and walked to the Museums, or Los museos. $5 entrance fee to see 3 museums, the coolest on was this one of all the money and gold history in Costa Rica. Very interesting. Pictures will explain better. We were there for awhile and then left to have lunch in a tiny little cafe where we once again had very cheap and very delicious food. After this we set out in search of el Teatro Nacional... or the national theater. a.k.a the place where my wedding will take place. It was the most beautiful place i've ever seen. I'll post pictures when my camera is back in commission. We got a tour in spanish and thankfully understood it. The place was amazing and was apparently where JFK was a week before he was assassinated and you can see from one of the balconies the Catholic church he attended when he was in San Jose. I didnt quite catch all of it but apparently there is some new theory about a conspiracy related to his death that took place in San Jose, google it for more details because I don't know them in english. 
Saturday evening we went to a Mexican restaurant (ha) to watch the Costa Rica vs. Trinidad/Tobago soccer game. good time, good food, good friends, 2-4-1 beers. Costa Rica won, all around successful day. 
Didn't go out Saturday night either because we had to get up very early Sunday for a 3 hour van ride to La Fortuna to go to the Arenal Volcano or Volcan Arenal. Along the way, we stopped at the house of the mother of one of our directors so that she could get her swimming suit... This was over 2 hours into the drive and we all wanted to stretch our legs. An ongoing obsession on our trip has been sloths. We all want to see a sloth. So, Zaida, our director, told us that back in the backyard of her mom's place was a tree that a sloth is usually in. So we wandered back there in hopes of seeing a sloth. So there I was scanning the tree for the little guy when all of a sudden i hear a bunch of commotion and turn around to see everyone going nuts. I didn't know what was wrong, even the dog was rolling around on the ground going crazy, then everyone started to run, so I started to run, what ever it was i didn't want to be in the back... Then i heard the zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Taking in to consideration that never in my life have i ever been stung by a bee or wasp and the fact that mosquitos don't prefer me, i decided to walk along with about four others. guess who didn't get stung, definitely not the flailing targets. I guess i'm not sweet enough after all. Well the ones who felt the wrath felt it good. Ross got stung next to his eye and on his arm, Jessica in the middle of her chest and on her hand, which is now  comparable to an inflated plastic glove... and the others got them in misc. places, including Zaida who said she had never before been stung so badly or so many times. Needless to say we didn't see the sloth...
Battle wounds iced up, we got back in the van and completed the journey.
We arrived after the bumpiest car ride of my life to the most fantastic buffet of my life. I ate entirely too much. Who cares. I waddled down to the locker rooms but my stuff away and we went to explore the 18 natural hot springs at the resort. They ranged from 86 to 103 degrees. Can you say heaven? And we saw tucans! We spent hours and hours going from pool to pool, spending a lot of time in one with a jacuzzi on the side and on one with a slide! Exhausted we gathered and boarded the van for the ride back. On our way out of the resort they stopped the van because Zaida had called down to the guards to ask them to look for sloths and to let us know if they saw one. They did! It was waaaay up in a tree but we saw it! And hooray for zoom! Finally content well, maybe some still bitter about the bees, we headed home. We exchanged stories on the bus basically of all the things our parents wouldn't be proud of, BUT that we've learned great lessons from... 
Got back into Sabanilla at 8 and came home and had no room for dinner after the buffet. Then, the power went out. That was interesting, but really no different than in Kansas. Things just get a lot more boring. They came back on within the hour and I passed out.
Monday was rough. Back to school. I discovered that maybe the waterproof digital camera didn't quite have the strength to endure the hot springs... it's in a bag of rice right now in attempt to dry out whatever got too wet... fingers crossed please. 
Got homework, did it, bought some plantain chips, ants infested them, ate finally, stomach didn't like it, tried to sleep, couldn't, tried to do more homework, slept. Set an alarm, ignored it. slept for 9 hours. Woke up, showered. Went back to bed, alarm went off. Happy Tuesday. 
Today was much better. sorry for the dreary paragraph. Bought more plantain chips, ate them all at once so that the ants couldn't. Got some homework done, discovered skype so i can now video chat. Mom, good luck. ask Ben. 
I'm currently typing a presentation for tomorrow over my favorite book, The Center of Everything by Laura Moriarty, turns out its better than i thought for such presentation since she is from Kansas and the story takes place in Kansas. How perfect. I can talk for 5 minutes over that easily. 
Well that's all for now, pictures later when camera is free from the rice.

1 comment:

  1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the rice rescue works on your camera!
