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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Costa Rican guide to umbrellas

So I cannot believe I have not mentioned anything about umbrellas, their rules, their names and the homeless men that attack with them...
Women: have sombrillas, which are meant really to act as shade (sombra in spanish is shandow) they are normally very bright colors or patterns and are dainty. Mine is black.
Men: have paraguas, which are meant to block the rain... and should be black. only. Chris has a bright yellow raincoat. Guess how many days it took him to buy a black umbrella...
Anyways, last week we were walking to school; Chris, Kevin, Kate and I, and we crossed a very busy street and had to run for the last stretch because the light turned green. As we reached the other side of the street, which was also the front gate of the University, a drunken-looking man with very matted and balding hair, a long black trench coat, fingerless gloves AND a black umbrella began flailing his arms and yelling at us. Not sure why he was so angry, but as we got closer, he took a huge whack at Chris with his umbrella. He missed and nailed the iron gate of the University entrance breaking the handle off of his umbrella, unfortunate thing in the rainy season. Unfortunate yet well-deserved. 
Anyways, we have now seen this man numerous times EVERYWHERE. And Kate and some others later found the afore-mentioned umbrella handle. So that is a fun little inside joke/terror of ours. 
Went and saw a movie today in the theater. Duplicity. It was in english with spanish subtitles. Very very good movie. Too bad if you see it in the states you wont be able to get admission for four, popcorn for four, drinks for four and some candy for the equivalent of...17 bucks!! I love Costa Rican prices. It looked like this though 10.600 colones. So we always feel like we are spending tons and tons of money but really the amounts are so small. The US should make their's the same, people would maybe spend less. A candy bar costs $.79 or 360 colones. which are you going to buy. me too. 
I can't believe tomorrow is already Thursday, time is flying and i love it and hate it all at the same time. 
Gave my presentation today, it went surprisingly well. I bought candy to pass out as rewards for correct answers for a Q&A session after the presentation and therefore, everyone loved my presentation :) However, being that they answered my questions correctly means they listened. everyone won. 
Well i'm off to bed!
much love

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