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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day 2

I just got home from my first day of class. We had class from 9-1 with a 30 min break for lunch. Today was a little different because we were all in one room with one teacher with no true set curriculum because there were a few complications setting up which students are in which classes, but it was all figured out today. So tomorrow and everyday until the end will be a day of 2, two-hour long classes from 9-11 and 11-1 with a a break in there somewhere. 
The class room is about the same size as KU's regular classrooms but each desk was a little station with side walls and an audio recorder thing. I do not know if we will be using them but they're there and are in the way of putting a notebook down in any normal fashion. The teacher's name is Ericka and she is very nice and very funny. 
We wandered around today after class in the area surrounding the campus, which, by the way makes KU look TINY! It is huge and there are no street names here. And if there are, no one knows them. And the people are terrible at giving directions. Anyway, we managed to find our way from the Kansas office to the "letras" building that our classes are in. We went into the outlet mall... tacky tacky tacky. We quickly left and went to a restaurant called el Buffalo. very different from Buffalo Bobs. thank the lord. There were 9 of us and our total for every one was 16,000 callones which is the equivalent to $32! CHEAP!! we all had full meals too. I had arroz con pollo which was delicious, spare that is strangely came with french fries... I do not know if it is the same everywhere, but at this restaurant, the waitress took our order and then brought the ticket and we each paid even before we got our food. I guess better safe than sorry! 
Then we all were perplexed by the issue of the tip... do we leave one? is it rude? is it optional? how much? i think we ended up leaving 700 callones which is like ~2 dollars, so... it was either a terrible tip or a spectacular one... i shall google it. or ask my family.
Then two boys in the group, Kevin and Chris, who live very close to me, and I  rode the bus back to our town and went to Mas por Menos, which is the grocery store and wandered around and i bought some of the fantasic salsa that is soooooo fantasic here. i put it on everything. Then the three of us walked to their house (they are one of two houses with two KU students) and checked it out then went to the internet cafe across the street from their casa. 
Chris walked me home, and now i'm sitting in my bed on the internet, which seems to only exist at certain times so if I am every chatting with any of you and suddenly disappear... that is why. 
So ironically, the internet just left me. And i am finishing this out but will have to save it until later when the internet returns...

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Molly! Your mom sent me the link tonight and I've read through your posts - sounds exciting. I'm looking forward to vicariously experiencing Costa Rica. Thanks for blogging!
    Kim Vines
