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Thursday, March 29, 2012

I can't think of a title

Name sake of Red Frog beach
Where we docked from
View out our window of our Hostal
View of San Jose from the plane
The little plane

When Alissa and I were leaving Panama and re-entering Costa Rica, the customs man asked when I planned to leave Costa Rica and I told him, and he said oh, so you need one month on your visa. And I said No, I need like 90 days I’m pretty sure. Then it dawned on me, give or take a few weeks, he’s right. I have 6 weeks left. How did that happen?? How is it possibly almost a year since I graduated? I suppose I have gone places and done things, but it feels surreal.

Let’s recap so I can figure out where the time went…

May-July: Lawrence/Wichita/KC

August: Kanrocksas Music Festival'


Red River, NM

August-November: Seattle (With Bend, OR, LA and Walla Walla intermixed)

November-December: Wichita/Lawrence/KC/Atlanta

January-May: Costa Rica and Bocas del Toro, Panama

Oh. Ok. Everything seems to be flying by. Here are the things I can think of to share since my last update:

Happenings in the States:

1.Ben and Taren are getting married!!

June 15, 2013. As of last night I’m a groomsmaid! That’s right, standing up there with my bro. I’m quite honored, and happy and excited about this.

2. My BFF, Kara, moved to Australia yesterday… I’m sad I wasn’t there to say bye and I’m super sad that by the time she comes back to the states it will be almost a year since we’ve seen each other. Boo. Thank goodness for Skype.

Happenings here:

1. 1. My mom is coming! She’ll be here April 3-9. Alissa and I are quite excited, especially since she’ll be here for Easter. It is a very different thing down here. It is a week known as Holy Week, and the entire country celebrates this and businesses are closed, school isn’t in session, the buses don’t run for two days on Thursday and Friday. We are really excited for her to be able to see all that we’ve been doing since she left in January, and to see the progress on the projects her and the team from Wichita started. We will also be cooking up a storm, I hope!

2. 2. Alissa’s parents and Aunt and Uncle are coming later in the month of April and apparently have some fun activities planned for us, which is so greatly appreciated and will be such a treat and kind of a finale for me and my time here.

3. 3. We had to renew our visas. You have to leave the country for 72 hours and then come back. So naturally we found the closest Caribbean paradise -- Bocas del Toro, Panama. Bocas is a group of several islands on the Caribbean coast of Panama, near the Costa Rican border. Google it. We left last Saturday and got back on Tuesday. We had a great time. However, turns out the Equator is real close to these islands. I have the burns to prove it. Yes, I’m extremely fair-skinned and burn easily but I lathered on the SPF 45 religiously. I can’t imagine what I would look like had I not. Yikes. Despite our new-found disdain for the equator, we absolutely LOVED our trip. We flew in a cute tiny plane for an hour flight and landed in Bocas. Found a hostal on the water with a neat view and comfy beds (and by comfy I mean an actual mattress, not a 3 inch piece of foam…), AC, a TV (with ESPN!! – which normally would not matter one single bit, but hello, KU basketball) and a private bathroom. We toured the town, watched a lot of Glee in our room, sad I know, but we’re not ashamed, went on a boat to another island to Red Frog Beach, layed out, tried to float in inner tubes we bought that were too small… ate chicken wings and went back to our island. Came back to the hostal after getting carry out burgers and watching KU win! The following day we went on another boat to a different island. First we passed thru Dolphin Bay where there are Dolphins. Obviously. Then we went to another island that basically resembled any image you picture of paradise. White sand, clear water, palm trees and no man-made anything. We snorkeled here, charbroiling our backs, laid out and read and headed to another island for dinner. Had yummy shrimp with side dishes pretty similar to Costa Rican food. Then back to our hostal. Paralyzed by torched skin (sick) we stayed in for the night, got pizza and watched more glee… Journeyed back to Costa Rica and are back to the routine.

Happenings in the future:

ha. No idea. I really want a job in Seattle. Either at World Vision or at an Ad Agency called Cole & Webber United. I shall start the whole application process soon and what not, so wish me luck.

Other than that, I know not much, life is happening super fast and super slow at the same time and I have no idea how I feel about it, or what to take from it. Any advice is welcome.

Oh. I also have a cat named Coconut. He/she (gender still unknown) is the lone survivor of the pack of 5. Sad news. But Coconut is thriving and precious. I will be bringing him/her to the states, mark my words. Coconut is also the cat formerly known as Dizzy.



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