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Monday, March 5, 2012

Brief Overview

Alejandro and Gabby... married!
At the reception
The kitties
The group that worked on Beatriz's house and Beatriz's family
What we got done on the two rooms
Me and Naomy
Molly and Alissa :)


So here's a brief run down of what's been happening:
1. The Kentucky group left and the Maryland group arrived.
a. Lots of people. Lots of plans. Lots of meetings. No sleep.
b. learned to... crochet. yikes.
c. Tiled the Methodist School Bathroom
d. Finished the tiling in the Santa Rita Parsonage bathroom
e. Alissa thinks i have an unhealthy obsession with tiling.
f. she may be right.

2. The Maryland group left and the South Carolina Group arrived.
a. they were super awesome. Fantastic. Love them.
b. Naomy's (Beatriz's daughter) dog had three puppies. She named them Molly, Alissa and Jimmy. Jimmy died... Molly and Alissa are adorable.
c. A box of kittens were dropped off at the camp.
- Garbanzo Bean, Dizzy, Sheldon, Bonkers, Naomy (Naomy was a given being that she named her puppies after us... turned out Naomy is a boy though. oops.)
d. we started the foundation on two rooms to be added on to Beatriz's house

3. The South Carolina group left and the Bowling Green team arrived
a. they are 9 college kids, easy going. easy peasy
b. Alejandro, the pastor from Santa Rita, my favorite community, got married Sat. the 3rd. It was my first Costa Rican wedding and it wasn't too different than an American wedding. It was beautiful.
b. I'm realizing today that time has been flying and i've hardly had time to talk to anyone on any form of communication. I apologize and will be trying to fix that soon.

Love to all.

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness someone is posting! Amazing pictures. Also, 2.b. Super sad. I'm glad Molly and Alissa are doing well. Thanks for talking to me on Alissa's skype while you were talking to your friend on skype.
