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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Step one: complete

I'm sitting in the airport waiting to board at 12:45. I made it to the airport, checked my bags, got my boarding passes, passed security ( was reprimanded for not putting my sunscreen in baggy...) and am now in the terminal eating a snack pack of carrots, cheese and grapes with a thing of ranch. Good combo KCI... however I dipped a grape in ranch which was unfortunate. The completion of  all these things is quite the accomplishment for me because I have quite the embarrassing track record when it comes to flying. hi mom. 
I have no idea what the plan is for this trip: where i'll be staying, with whom I'll be staying, how I'm getting to school, when school starts. I know everything about the Puebla trip and nothing about this one but it's kind of exciting I suppose. 

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