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Monday, May 25, 2009

Plan C

So a week from today or i guess technically yesterday, I leave for Costa Rica. Plan A was Mexico (hence website address) Plan B was Barcelona. Neither of those worked due to world-wide pandemic panic and lack of interest, respectively. 

My plan is to keep this little page updated as often as possible mainly for myself to have a solid recollection of the trip (and while also having a 3D journal, electronics seem to steal my attention). 

So follow along if you wish.



  1. Is it bad for your mom to be the first person to comment? Sorry. Anyway, love ther running commentary...sounds just like you. Thanks for keeping those of us stuck in Kansas posted. MOM

  2. Ummm...your discoteca pics look remarkably like your Facebook pics..."friends and shots". Chicken and pear soup, yum. You've come along way from your graham cracker/peanut butter ONLY days. Lovin' the blog.
