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Monday, February 20, 2012


A few awe-inspiring photos...
Sunset at camp. Photo is truly unaltered.
Volcano Arenal today
Downtown Ciudad Quesada
Right outside downtown
Very Clear view of the volcano yesterday

Times are crazy now... we have a team of 60 here again and this is a rare moment to update. We've been working like crazy it seems and i've never been so in love with sleep! This team is from Maryland and arrived Friday. They will be doing Vacation Bible School and some random construction stuff and stuff. We're kind of unclear on the specifics because it is a lot of random odd jobs.
Two exciting things going on for me (that don't have to do with Costa Rica)
1. My brother got engaged. Yay! Too bad i'm out of the country... this was probably intentional so i can't try and get my hands all over the planning or ruin the proposal or something. I love Taren, his fiance, she fits well with my family -- i think my parents like her best out of myself, Ben and her. Seriously. But that's okay.
2. We (Me, Alissa and Jimmy) are going to Bocas Del Toro, Panama on March 24. Bocas is a string of islands on the caribbean coast and from pictures and reviews... it sounds amazing. We are very excited to basically sit on the beach and do nothing. or in a hammock. or a raft in the ocean. We are going because we have to leave the country before the 90 day mark of being here to renew our visas. Tough problem :)
I'm liking life here. I really am. Today marks 6 weeks of being here. I was here studying abroad for 5 weeks, so this is officially the longest I've lived outside of the country. I have discovered that this however, is not something I could do long-term or for life like so many missionaries. I can't put a finger on what it is exactly but I just know that it tests a lot of my weaknesses and flaws and I don't know that I'll come out on top of them... but perhaps that is my purpose here. Well until next time i hope this tides you over. I'll even include pictures.
Love to all!

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